Hugo Blog
5th January 2013
9th January 2013
18th January 2013
7th February 2013
19th February 2013
29th March 2013
1st April 2013
15th April 2013
11th May 2013
6th June 2013
7th June 2013
17th June 2013
18th June 2013
20th June 2013
14 - Finishing the Cover Artwork
20th June 2013
Here is the completed cover artwork for Hugo the Hare's Rainy Day. It doesn't look too great on white but when the background colour is added it will all come together. The shadows and movement lines will be a percentage of whatever colour the background turns out to be. For me finishing this painting is a relief as I know it will be the last illustration I have to do for the book. This is also (at least for now) the last book in my Nat the Cat trilogy. To see where it all began, you might like to take a look at my Nat the Cat Blog.
Click on the picture for the full-sized version
Click on the picture for the full-sized version
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